Be More Digital

Our Blog

An Update From the Herdl Team

The COVID-19 outbreak has resulted in disruption for people, businesses and organisations in the UK. At Herdl, we’re putting measures…

Is PPC Right for My Business?

Many people are wary of using PPC. You may have heard statements like “It’s a complete waste of time and…

Is SEO Right for My Business?

SEO, when done right, will improve the visibility of a website, but other than this, what else does SEO potentially…

The Benefits of Digital Marketing

Not having much luck with your traditional marketing campaigns? Struggling to come to terms with how digital marketing works? Either…

Google Core Updates 2019

Google is continuously making changes to its search engine algorithm and we saw many core updates being made throughout 2019.…

BERT – Algorithm Update

When it comes to SEO, everyone always has one eye on Google’s latest updates and changes to its algorithm. Not…

Paid Advertising Trends 2020

The Top Paid Advertising Trends You Can Expect To See In 2020 Few industries evolve as rapidly as paid advertising.…

What is Google Duplex?

Google Duplex is an exciting AI project from Google that has attracted interest from both businesses and consumers. We have…

Google Core Update September 2019

What You Need To Know About The September Google Core Update Now that it’s operational—it’s a good time to analyze…

Reducing Bounce Rate

Bounce rate is one of the most important metrics for any website—the term refers to the percentage of total visitors…

SEO Friendly URLs

A Closer look at SEO friendly URLs When it comes to your website’s SEO practices, every component matters, a missed…

Google My Business

Local SEO is vital for many small and independent businesses—and the building block of any effective local SEO is understanding…

Google Gallery Ads

In this post, we’re going to look at one of the newest, and most important game-changing developments on the way…

Ad Extensions

While optimising ad copy and headlines is a great first step, one of the most effective and impactful things you…

Mobile First Index

Google sits still for nobody – it’s in a constant state of evolution and reinvention. One of the most common…

Google Marketing Live 2019

Google Marketing Live is no doubt one of the most important events for digital marketers across the world. The recent…

Google Rich Snippets

What are rich snippets? Rich snippets are enhanced search results displayed by search engines, which include additional information about that…

Recurring SEO Tasks

As any SEO Agency will know, we work in a continuously shifting space that requires constant care and attention, or…

SEO for Google Discover

Google’s take on the social media news feed has had an update and it may be heralding a shift in…

Responsive Search Ads New Features

What are Responsive Search Ads? The latest offering from Google Ads, Responsive Search Ads (RSA’s) are exactly what it says…

Achieving Optimal Website Performance

Recently, we published an article on the WooCommerce blog which discusses many tried and tested processes and techniques we implement…

Mat Moses – Digital Marketer

We’re excited to introduce the newest member of the Herdl team, Mat Moses. If you haven’t had the chance to…

Internal Linking Strategies

When we think about Link Building in relation to SEO, it’s often associated with creating backlinks from other websites. An…

Genesis Wins SOTD & Developer Awards

Earlier this month we launched the Genesis Restaurant website which has received a fantastic response. We’re excited to share that…

Herdl Interviewed by WooCommerce

Following Two Chimps being added to the WooCommerce showcase in May this year, our Digital Director, Gareth, was interviewed by…

Embryo Angling Launch

We’re pleased to announce the launch of the new Embryo Angling website which went live during July. The project has…

Does Site Speed Help SEO?

We recently published that Google had confirmed site speed as a mobile ranking factor. With this update, named the “speed…

Mobile-First Index Information

Google has begun rolling out their switch to a mobile-first index. The change over puts more emphasis on mobile user…

Moz Metrics Update

Background For many years, several of Moz’s metrics have become the defacto standard for SEO agencies to analyse and describe…

RUMULTI: Mobile Site of The Week

We’re really excited to share that our website for Robert Underwood Multihulls (RUMULTI) has been awarded the Mobile Site of The…


The General Data Protection Regulation (GDPR) will come into effect on 25th May 2018. This new regulation, imposed by the…

Google: Core Algorithm Update

While keyphrases may often move up and down during a campaign, if you’ve noticed significant changes very recently then it…

Brand Schema to Help Rankings

Schema markup is known to provide a multitude of SEO benefits that help to improve website rankings. Although not considered…

Google to Reveal Ranking Signals

The secrecy surrounding Google’s ranking factors has been a thorn in the side of SEO engineers since the search engine…

SEO: Algorithm Update

If you’ve noticed some significant ranking changes from early March 2018 then it could be the result of Google’s recent…

We’re Hiring!

We’re looking for a candidate with 2+ years experience working on digital marketing campaigns, within an agency environment, to join…

Changes to Google Image Search

Getty Images Deal Google have announced changes to Google Images following a recent deal with Getty Images. The arrangement is…

The Champion vs Challenger Model

In marketing, there should be a continuous process of analysis and improvement and many methodologies are available to implement these…

3 SEO Trends for 2018

Our specialist SEO team are continuously researching the changing SEO landscape to stay one step ahead. Here are 3 of…

Google’s Guide to Featured Snippets

On 30th January, Google provided a new, revised guide to Featured Snippets that gives search engineers a comprehensive handbook to this…

Voice Search & Google Home

Voice Search is a relatively new medium that SEO agencies must now take into account when planning an SEO campaign.…

Ecommerce Site of the Year

We’re really excited to announce that we’ve been nominated at the Annual Awwwards for Ecommerce Site of the Year 2017,…

Mobile Vs Desktop Rankings

Google announced changes in late 2016 to how it indexes websites in relation to mobile vs desktop users. The shift…

Things to check when Domaining

Domaining is a common SEO practice where you’re able to reuse the authority of a pre-owned domain to help SEO…

AdWords Landing Pages Tab

During the Google Marketing Next event, Google announced their new Landing Pages feature that would soon be coming to AdWords.…

Bing Bots in SERPS

Keeping on top of the constant changes to search engines is a huge part of SEO. Creating future-proof strategies from…

Half of Top Results are HTTPS

The use of HTTPS (SSL) has been a recommended SEO practice for quite a while now. More recently, a MOZ report has revealed…

5 SEO “Quick Wins”

When it comes to SEO, we often find that our clients are looking to boost their rankings as quickly as…

What is Google Remarketing?

Ever wondered what is Google Remarketing? Google Remarketing is an AdWords feature that allows advertisers to display ads to users…

Fred Confirmed

Google have outwardly confirmed that an algorithm update did occur earlier in March which substantiates many claims within the SEO…

32% More Hacked Websites

Google have recently published their “State of Website Security in 2016” report which shows a sharp increase in the number of…

Google’s Fred Update

Very recently, the SEO community has been actively discussing the possibility of a new algorithm update introduced by Google. Although…

Local SEO tips for 2017

The idea of local SEO has developed significantly in recent years and Google are expected to continue their focus on…

Google Mobile Indexing

Back in November, we wrote about Google’s mobile first index announcement. Several months later, we’re still awaiting the actual change…

Build Links Without Fresh Content

Link building is one of the most difficult practices during an SEO campaign. Often, link building processes are time consuming…

Google Search Console Review

When taking on new SEO clients, we often find Google Search Console is one area that has been overlooked. Frequently,…

Matt Cutts Leaves Google

Matt Cutts achieved a celebrity-like status within the SEO community being one of the first 100 employees at Google and…

Crawl Budget

In the SEO industry, factors that relate to how Google and other search engines crawl websites are often referred to…

Google Mobile-First Index

Google’s recent experiments point to a wider shift in how the company will utilise ranking signals in future. The major…

Penguin 4.0

Google announced the latest release of Penguin on September 23rd. The update has traditionally cracked down on spammy practices such…

90% of Shoppers Use Search First

Google have published the results of a recent survey on how consumer behaviour has been affected by mobile technologies. The…

New Seller Rating Threshold

Google have made some pretty significant changes to their Seller Rating threshold this week raising the bar from 30 reviews…

Two Chimps Live!

Our web design team are delighted to announce the launch of the Two Chimps coffee holding page which recently went live. The…

Multiple Languages SEO Checklist

This article is an expansion of a question we answered on stackoverflow regarding the best way to structure URLs for multiple…

Angels by Day – Live!

The Herdl team are really pleased to announce the launch of the new Angels by Day website! Angels by Day…