Search Engine Optimisation

Recurring SEO Tasks

Maintaining a successful website involves on-going effort, particularly when it comes to SEO.

As any SEO Agency will know, we work in a continuously shifting space that requires constant care and attention, or you risk falling behind competitors. Maintaining a successful website involves on-going effort, particularly when it comes to SEO, which calls for recurring tasks to be completed on a weekly or monthly basis or your search rankings will start to slip. Below, we’ve detailed a few of these responsibilities.

Link Building

Link building is an essential part of any modern SEO strategy. Anyone wanting to improve their search engine rankings needs to consider ways to acquire high-quality, relevant inbound links on a regular basis. Links are a fundamental building block in Google’s algorithm which isn’t likely to change any time soon – the more good link the better. Successful SEO strategies need to include a solid plan on how to develop a strong link profile.

We carry out link building activities on behalf of our clients using a series of tried and techniques.

Regular Content

There’s debate within the industry over how much Google favours “fresh” content and the benefit this provides for SEO. Historically, Google has given extra credit for newly published content in updates such as Caffeine and the aptly named Freshness update in 2017, where there is an obvious benefit for news and time-sensitive information.

Nevertheless, content in general is essential for SEO so continuously adding depth to your website through additional pages, blogs and new sections will provide huge benefits.

We collaborate with clients to produce a content strategy which is developed on a monthly basis.

Website Maintenance

Maintaining a healthy website will aid SEO activities in the long-run. Factors such as performance and security provide considerable advantages which means that keeping on top of site updates is an important task. Typical maintenance could include updates to CMS plugins, security patches or upgrades to hosting infrastructure.

Alongside marketing services, we recommend our clients take out a website support and maintenance retainer to ensure these essential services are carried out.

sea of change

For more guides from an experienced SEO Agency please read our other blog posts, or contact us directly.

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