Web Design

Genesis Wins SOTD & Developer Awards

Our website for Genesis wins Site of The Day on Awwwards and CSS Design Awards...and more!

Earlier this month we launched the Genesis Restaurant website which has received a fantastic response. We’re excited to share that since its unveiling, the site has won some amazing awards, been featured in high-profile media and helped attract a massive following for the restaurant.

The website is a one-page design that includes a scene of animated SVG illustrations. Elements burst into life as you enter the page and continue to grow and animate as you scroll through content and interact with the site. Subtle touches give the site depth and character, such as eyes that follow your mouse movement and plants that animate on hover.

genesis on awwwards

To make the site truly engaging and interactive, we opted to redraw our illustrated assets in a vector format that we could convert into SVGs. This method would give us complete control over how users could interact with these graphical elements, and from there we created a series of animations. With such a lot going on, we knew that performance needed to be a consideration, so we ensured that objects and animations were well-optimised during development to create an amazing user experience.

Site of The Day & Developer Award

We’re particularly keen to share the industry accolades that Genesis has won, as we feel they exemplify the creative passion and development expertise found in our team. Genesis won Site of The Day (SOTD) on both Awwwards and CSS Design Awards, which is one the most prestigious and highly sought after awards achievable. Sites that win SOTD on Awwwards are entered for a special Developer Award, which Genesis was also awarded.

The full list of awards include:
Awwwards SOTD
Awwwards Designer Profile Article
Awwwards Mobile Excellence
Awwwards Honorable Mention
Awwwards Designer Case Study
CSS Design Awards SOTD
Mind Sparkle SOTD
Muzli Pick & Featured
One Page Love Most Loved
Web Designer Magazine Article

genesis mock-up

Genesis was a great web design project to complete, and we’re incredibly proud of what the site has achieved in only a few short weeks. If you’d like to learn more about Genesis or our web design services, please contact our team.

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