Top 5 Reasons Why You Should Run An SEO Audit

What Is An SEO Audit?

In it’s simplest form, an SEO audit is an assessment of your website that evaluates the potential of it ranking in search results. The purpose of an SEO audit is to help identify the core issues affecting your website’s organic search performance and highlight areas which could be hindering your overall ranking potential.

Why Should I Run An SEO Audit?

There are multiple reasons why you should consider running a free SEO audit, not only because of the information you can gain, but also the potential improvements you can make based on its findings. Below we’ve compiled our top 5 reasons why you should run an SEO audit.

  1. Highlight On-Page Issues – An SEO audit will help highlight any easy-to-fix on-page issues which once addressed could make significant improvements to your site’s page authority. These issues could include missing meta titles, duplicate headers, or poor internal linking.
  2. Backlink Analysis – SEO audits are great for assessing your website’s link profile, and reporting on areas where this could be improved. With links being one of Google’s core ranking factors, understanding how your site could improve in this area is extremely useful!
  3. Formulating Strategies – Once you’ve completed an SEO audit, you will be able to prioritise the areas on your site which need to be addressed first. This means you, or your SEO agency, will be able to establish a robust organic marketing strategy to increase your website’s ranking potential in the most efficient manner possible. 
  4. Technical Improvements – From website performance to status codes and sitemaps, SEO audits are a great way to discover the areas where your site is poorly performing in-terms of technical optimisation. 
  5. Decision Making – A lot of businesses will run an SEO audit before deciding whether or not implementing an SEO campaign would be beneficial. The results of your audit will allow you to assess whether your website requires organic optimisation.
Person on computer completing an SEO audit

Wanting To Learn More?

If you’d like to learn more about the importance of SEO audits or would like to discuss how we can help improve your website’s ranking authority – then feel free to get in touch with a member of our digital marketing team who will happily answer any questing you might have! 

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