All Hands
Your Brand Live were looking to modernise their web presence and differentiate themselves from other SaaS services with a story-led, interactive experience for their new product, AllHands. We lead the design phase for the product launch with the aim of creating a standout website which uniquely reflects the personality behind this ambitious start-up.
All Hands
All Hands approached us after seeing another site we produced for Pest Stop Boys. They loved the animated and playful website design we’d produced and got in touch with us to discuss the concept behind the project.
Working with Jelly London to produce the branding, we lead the website design with an interactive story-telling experience. On this project, we worked under a design capacity only, with the website build not undertaken by Herdl.
Full website coming soon…
Utilising the hand illustrations created by Jelly London, we designed and animated an interactive experience built on bouncy hand animations and smooth colour transitions. Our use of colour was chosen to create an inclusive experience regardless of gender and race, bringing forward the open and progressive attitude behind All Hands. The overall experience of the finished design feels fun and engaging – in opposition to the typical SaaS website.
Colour Scheme

Animating With Character
Rather than using a traditional loader, the website opens with a count down animation using a front on hand animation. This helped to create a consistent experience from start to finish with the hand illustrations used to create intrigue and lead user through a journey across the website. Supporting visuals and animation through gifs and bouncy text effects to bring continuity to the experience and convey a sense of character. We feel that the finished result really brought personality to forefront and set the stage for an exciting user experience.

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Make the Leap.
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