Digital Marketing

Using ChatGPT for Content Creation

As the world becomes increasingly digital, content creation has become a critical part of any marketing strategy. And while creating high-quality content is crucial, it can also be time-consuming and challenging to produce consistently. Enter ChatGPT. This innovative AI-powered language model can generate human-like text in a matter of seconds, helping businesses and content creators save time and resources.

What is ChatGPT?

ChatGPT, short for “Generative Pre-trained Transformer 3,” is a language model developed by OpenAI. It’s trained on a vast amount of text data, making it capable of generating natural and high-quality language. Using a process called “unsupervised learning,” ChatGPT can generate new text based on a given prompt or set of inputs.

The main benefits of using ChatGPT for content creation:

  • Saves Time and Resources: ChatGPT can quickly generate high-quality text, saving content creators time and resources.
  • Consistency: ChatGPT can produce content consistently, ensuring that the same tone and style are maintained throughout the content.
  • Variety: ChatGPT can generate content on a wide range of topics, allowing businesses and writers to produce content on any subject matter.
  • Inspiration: ChatGPT can provide inspiration and new ideas for content creation. By inputting a specific prompt, ChatGPT can generate unique and creative content.

The Importance of Meeting Google’s EEAT Guidelines for Content:

Google’s EEAT (Experience, Expertise, Authoritativeness, and Trustworthiness) is a set of guidelines that Google uses to evaluate the quality of a website’s content.

In today’s digital landscape, businesses must ensure their content meets these guidelines to improve their search engine rankings and attract more website visitors. Creating high-quality content that meets Google’s EEAT guidelines can help businesses build a solid online reputation and improve their search engine rankings.

How to use ChatGPT to ensure content meets Google’s EEAT Guidelines

To ensure that the content produced using ChatGPT meets Google’s EEAT guidelines, it’s essential to understand what the advice is and how it relates to content creation.

What are Google’s EEAT guidelines?

Google’s EEAT guidelines stand for “Experience, Expertise, Authoritativeness, and Trustworthiness.” Google uses these guidelines to evaluate the quality of the content on a website. Websites with strong EEAT scores are more likely to rank higher in search engine results pages (SERPs).

Google’s Useful content update

In 2022, Google released a broad update called “Google’s Useful Content Update,” which emphasised the importance of creating high-quality, useful content that is relevant and authoritative. The update focused on promoting content that aligns with Google’s EEAT guidelines. It’s worth noting that the update was not just about creating content for SEO purposes but about providing value to the website’s audience.

The difference between useful content and content for SEO

It’s essential to differentiate between creating content for SEO purposes and creating content that is useful to the audience. For example, content created solely for SEO purposes may include keyword stuffing, low-quality backlinks, and other tactics that do not necessarily provide value to the reader. Essentially, creating content for content’s sake. On the other hand, useful content is written with the audience in mind, providing information that is helpful to them.

Google’s announcement about AI-generated content

Google announced that it would allow AI-generated content to appear in search results as long as it meets the EEAT guidelines.

When using ChatGPT to create content, it’s important to keep the following in mind:

  • Use ChatGPT as a tool, not a replacement: ChatGPT can help content creators produce content quickly and efficiently, but it should not replace the need for human input and subject matter expertise.
  • Focus on quality over quantity: Creating quality content that is useful and relevant to the audience is more important than creating a large volume of content.
  • Ensure the content meets Google’s EEAT guidelines: Content produced using ChatGPT should align with Google’s EEAT guidelines to improve search engine rankings and attract more visitors to the website.

Steps to Ensure High-Quality Content

Here are some steps you can take to ensure high-quality content:

Define Your Content Goals and Objectives

When creating content, it’s essential to have clear goals and objectives to ensure the content is aligned with the overall marketing strategy. By defining content goals and objectives, businesses and content creators can create more focused and purposeful content that resonates with their target audience.

Determine what you want to achieve with your content

The first step in defining content goals and objectives is to determine what you want to accomplish with your content. Some common content goals might include:

  • Driving traffic to the website
  • Building brand awareness
  • Generating leads and sales
  • Educating the audience
  • Building thought leadership
  • Improving search engine rankings

Set specific, measurable goals for your content

Once you’ve identified what you want to achieve with your content, setting specific, measurable goals is essential. By setting clear goals, businesses and content creators can better track the success of their content marketing efforts.

For example, if the goal is to drive traffic to the website, a specific, measurable goal might be to increase website traffic by 20% in the next three months. Or, if the goal is to generate leads and sales, a specific, measurable goal might be to increase the conversion rate by 10% in the next six months.

By setting specific, measurable goals, businesses and content creators can create more focused and purposeful content aligned with the overall marketing strategy. As a result, this approach can lead to more significant returns on investment and a more effective content marketing strategy.

Plan Your Content

Planning your content is essential in creating high-quality content that resonates with your target audience. A well-planned piece of writing can increase engagement, drive traffic, and improve search engine rankings. Here are some steps to take when planning your content:

Use ChatGPT to generate an outline for your content

ChatGPT is an excellent tool for generating an outline for your content. When you input a topic or a prompt, ChatGPT can provide you with an outline that includes subheadings, bullet points, and even some content that you can use as a starting point. Using ChatGPT can save you time and help you organise your thoughts in a more structured way.

Consider the audience when writing your content

Who are you writing for, and what are their interests and pain points? By understanding your audience, you can create content that resonates with them and provides value. You can also tailor your content’s language, tone, and style to your audience, making it more engaging and effective.

Consider how the content is unique, useful and valuable to your audience

There is a lot of content available online, and it can be challenging to stand out in a crowded field. By creating unique, practical, and valuable content, you can differentiate your content and build a loyal following of readers.

Your content should offer something that other content in your industry doesn’t. For example, this could be a fresh perspective, a unique approach to a common problem, or new insights into a topic. Creating unique content allows you to differentiate yourself, provide value to your audience, and encourage readers to return for more.

Some other tips for planning your content include:

  • Conduct keyword research to identify appropriate topics and phrases your audience is searching for.
  • Analyse your competitors’ content to identify gaps and opportunities.
  • Use a content calendar to plan and organise your content and publish consistently.
  • Consider different content formats, such as blog posts, videos, infographics, or social media posts, to diversify your content and reach a wider audience.

Generate Your Content

Content creation can be a time-consuming and sometimes challenging task but by utilising tools like ChatGPT, businesses can streamline the process and generate high-quality content quickly and efficiently.

Use ChatGPT to generate high-quality content that meets your goals and objectives

Here are some helpful tips for getting the best from this new AI technology:

Generate content in smaller blocks

Generating content in smaller blocks can help you concentrate on individual ideas or concepts and make the content creation process more manageable. This method is especially beneficial if you’re working on a larger project, such as a long-form article, an e-book, or a whitepaper.

Breaking your content into smaller sections helps ensure that each segment is focused, on-topic, and concise.

For example, let’s say you’re writing a comprehensive guide on “How to Start a Business.” You could break down the content into smaller sections, such as “Developing a Business Plan,” “Creating a Marketing Strategy,” “Building Your Team,” and “Securing Financing.” By generating the text for each section using ChatGPT, you can ensure that each section is coherent, informative, and provides valuable insights for your readers.

Breaking your content into smaller blocks also makes editing and revising your work easier. You can pay attention to each section individually, ensuring that it meets your content goals and objectives before moving on to the next part. This approach can help you catch errors, ensure consistency in tone and style, and create a more polished final product.

The art of prompt writing

When using ChatGPT for content creation, effective prompt writing is critical to ensure that the responses generated are accurate and relevant. To create an effective prompt, it’s essential to be specific and clear about what you want the answer to be about. Here are some tips to help you create effective prompts:

  • A good prompt should be clear about the topic you want ChatGPT to write about. For example, instead of asking for “marketing tips,” a more specific prompt would be “What are the top three digital marketing tips for small businesses?”
  • Including specific details in your prompt can help ChatGPT generate more accurate responses. For example, instead of asking for “recipe ideas,” a more detailed prompt would be “What are some healthy lunch ideas that are easy to make at home?”
  • ChatGPT responds better to natural language prompts. Avoid using technical or jargon-heavy language that may confuse the model. Instead, write prompts as if you are speaking to a human, using simple and easy-to-understand language.
  • A good prompt should be clear and concise, with no unnecessary or vague language. Clarity is critical for getting the best response from ChatGPT.

Here’s an example of a good prompt:

Proofread the text below and provide me with ideas on how to improve it. Your ideas should be practical and use in-line examples against each point. Format your ideas using markdown to make them easier to understand.

Getting ChatGPT to use writing strategies

One of the benefits of using ChatGPT is that you can ask it to use specific writing strategies to create high-quality content. By programming ChatGPT to use writing strategies, you can produce more engaging, persuasive, and relevant content for your audience.

Here are some writing strategies that you can use to program ChatGPT:

  • Use short words, short sentences and short paragraphs: Short sentences and paragraphs are easier to read and can help keep your audience engaged.
  • Focus on using simple and direct language: Using simple and direct language can help make your content more accessible and easy to understand.
  • Avoid jargon words or phrases: Jargon can be confusing and alienating to your audience. Try to avoid using technical terms that your audience may not understand.
  • Use strong persuasive language: Persuasive language can help convince your audience of your point of view. Use strong, clear language to convey your message effectively.
  • Avoid unclear antecedents at the start of a sentence: Antecedents are the words that come before a pronoun. Make sure that the antecedent is clear to avoid confusion for your audience.
  • Back up main points with evidence and examples: Backing up your main points with evidence and examples can help you build credibility and make your content more persuasive.
  • Present ideas in a logical and organised manner: Organising your thoughts in a logical and organised manner can help make your content more accessible and easier to follow.
  • Break down and expand on points to create a richer longer-form piece of content: Breaking down and expanding on points can help you create longer-form content that is more valuable to your audience.
  • Refrain from repeating phrases: Repeating phrases can be dull and monotonous. Instead, try to use a variety of words and phrases to keep your content exciting and engaging.
  • Prioritise ideas that are interesting or novel: Interesting or novel ideas can help you capture your audience’s attention and keep them engaged.
  • Avoid “cheesy” or “salesy” one-liners: Cheesy or salesy one-liners can come across as insincere or gimmicky. Instead, focus on creating authentic and valuable content for your audience.
Getting ChatGPT to use writing techniques

Writing techniques are specific writing methods that help create an emotional connection with the audience, make the content more interesting, and provide clarity to the message. Examples of writing techniques include storytelling, analogy, metaphor, and persuasive language, among others.


Storytelling is an effective writing strategy that can help to engage the audience, create a connection, and provide context. By prompting ChatGPT to use storytelling in your content, you can create a narrative that illustrates your point and makes it more relatable. For example, if you’re creating content about the benefits of a product or service, you could prompt ChatGPT to tell a story about how the product or service has helped other customers and how it has transformed their lives.


An analogy is a comparison between two otherwise dissimilar things. Using analogies in your content can help to make complex ideas more understandable and engaging. For example, suppose you’re creating content about the benefits of a new software product. In that case, you could prompt ChatGPT to use an analogy that compares the software to a personal assistant, which can help to organise and manage your work.


A metaphor is similar to an analogy, but instead of comparing two things, it describes one thing as another. For example, you could describe a storm as a monster tearing through the city. By prompting ChatGPT to use metaphors in your content, you can help to make the content more memorable and impactful.

Persuasive Language:

Persuasive language is a writing technique used to convince the audience to take a particular action or adopt a specific viewpoint. For example, you could prompt ChatGPT to use compelling and convincing language, such as “Don’t miss out on this limited-time offer” or “Act now and see the results for yourself.”

Getting ChatGPT to play a role

Getting ChatGPT to play a role in your content is an excellent way to make your content more engaging and persuasive. By assigning ChatGPT a role, you can make it easier for your audience to relate to and understand the content better.

For example, suppose you’re writing a blog post on the “Pros and Cons of Starting a Business.” In that case, you could ask ChatGPT to play the role of a successful entrepreneur who has been through the ups and downs of starting a business. ChatGPT could provide advice, insights, and stories related to the topic, which could help illustrate the pros and cons of starting a business.

By taking on the role of an expert or authority figure, ChatGPT can add credibility and depth to your content. In addition, it can help humanise the content, making it easier for your audience to connect with the content on a personal level.

When using ChatGPT to play a role in your content, it’s essential to be specific and clear about the persona or role you want ChatGPT to play. You should also consider how the persona or role will impact your content’s overall tone and message.

Getting ChatGPT to use a tone of voice

By prompting ChatGPT to generate content in a particular tone, such as humorous, serious, or informative, businesses can create content that resonates with their audience and enhances their overall content strategy.

For instance, let’s consider an example of a blog post on “The Benefits of Laughter.” In this case, prompting ChatGPT to use a humorous tone can help create entertaining and engaging responses that keep the audience interested and captivated. By using this technique, businesses and content creators can leverage ChatGPT’s capabilities to generate high-quality, tailored content that aligns with their brand’s identity and values.

Proofing Your Content

Why you should proofread AI-generated content

While ChatGPT can be a powerful tool for content creation, it’s important to remember that it’s not perfect. AI-generated content may contain errors, inaccuracies, or even plagiarism. That’s why it’s essential to proofread your content carefully, whether generated by ChatGPT or written by a human.

Proofreading AI-generated content can help you ensure that your content meets your goals and objectives, is accurate and free of errors, and reflects your brand’s tone and style. It can also help you identify any issues with plagiarism, which can be a serious problem for your website’s search engine rankings.

What to look for when proofreading AI-generated content

When proofreading AI-generated content, there are several things to look for. Here are some of the most important factors to keep in mind:

  • Repetition: Check for repetitive phrases or sentences that could make your content sound robotic or less engaging.
  • Factual inaccuracies: Check that the facts in your content are accurate and that you have cited your sources where necessary.
  • Americanisms: If you’re writing for a British audience, ensure that your content doesn’t contain American spelling, grammar, or idioms.
  • Incorrect tense: Check that the tense of your content is consistent and appropriate for the topic.
  • Plagiarism: Check for plagiarism using tools like Grammarly to ensure that your content is original and doesn’t violate copyright.

Our recommended methods to follow

When proofreading AI-generated content, it’s essential to follow some best practices to ensure that it meets your goals and objectives. Here are some recommended methods to follow:

  • Use our content writing guide to ensure that your content meets the highest standards. Take the role of an editor and scrutinise the content for errors, readability, and tone.
  • Read the content out loud to help you catch errors or awkward phrasing that you might not notice otherwise. You can also get feedback from others to ensure that your content meets your goals and objectives.
  • If you find it difficult to read your content out loud, you can use a tool like Microsoft Word’s “Read Aloud” feature to hear the content in a different voice.
  • If your content contains technical or specialised information, consider getting it checked by an expert to ensure its accuracy.
  • Use Grammarly to help you catch grammatical errors and check your content for plagiarism.
  • Use the Flesch reading ease calculator to ensure that your content is easy to read and understand for your audience.

If you would like some practical examples of how to create content using ChatGPT, take a look at our step by step guide which includes all the prompts you’ll need.

a human walking hand in hand with an robot


In the fast-paced world of digital marketing, ChatGPT is an innovative tool that can revolutionise content creation for businesses and writers. With its ability to produce high-quality content faster and more efficiently, ChatGPT offers numerous benefits that can help companies to achieve their goals.

However, it’s essential to keep in mind that AI-generated content may contain errors or inaccuracies, and it’s vital to ensure that the content meets Google’s EEAT guidelines. By following the best practices outlined above, businesses and content creators can create accurate, engaging, and original content with ChatGPT that meets the standards of Google’s algorithms.

Contact us today to explore how ChatGPT and other digital marketing strategies can benefit your business. Our team of experts can help you develop a content strategy that aligns with your business objectives and maximises your results.

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