LinkedIn Company Follow Button

You can also add a LinkedIn Company follow button to your website which is different to the personal profile ‘connect with me’ button.

More commonly on the web we see the personal profile LinkedIn button but much similar to a Facebook Like Box, LinkedIn also have a follow button for company pages.

LinkedIn company follow buttons come in 3 different variations:

  1. Horizontal – displays a follow count adjacent to the button
  2. Vertical – displays a follow count above the button
  3. No Count – (that’s right, you guessed it!) No follow count

You can easily select one of the existing LinkedIn company pages you manage and LinkedIn will generate the code for you. They’re obviously a great addition to any company website trying to increase their LinkedIn following.

Click here to go to the Follow Company Button generator on LinkedIn.

While Facebook, Twitter and other social networks are opening up their code so that designers/developers can create custom styled buttons, frustratingly LinkedIn still has not. Also, as this button relies on javascript, it can’t be added to an email signature.

For these implementations, you’re better of designing a button style graphic and linking it to you company page URL.

Read more tips about LinkedIn, like how to unsubscribe from posts, in our blog!

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