Aviva are a household brand name and the largest insurance company in the UK. In addition, Aviva offer other financial and investment management services across their group.
The Brief
Aviva wanted to target people searching for general information around the topic of Solvency II and related changes to EU insurance regulations. We were approached to provide SEO consultation, working with their marketing team to create an effective SEO strategy for this topic.

Search Engine Optimisation
The nature of search engines meant that SEO was a key channel for Aviva to reach their audience. We conducted keyphrase research, competitor analysis and SEO audits in order to formulate an effective SEO strategy to become a leading element of Aviva’s wider marketing push. SEO opportunities and core benefits, along with planned activities, were presented to key stakeholders for approval.

The campaign began well in advance of legislation changes coming into effect and the strategy ensured Aviva would be in a strong position when the time came. We worked alongside Aviva to implement technical SEO changes, on-page optimisation and content planning to create a well-optimised hub of information. We continued to provide ongoing support throughout the campaign, working on both on-site and off-site SEO activities.

Get in Touch
If you’d like to learn more about our SEO, or any of our other marketing services, please get in touch.
Make the Leap.
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