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Herdl are a Climate Positive Workforce

We’re really pleased to announce that we’ve decided to offset the carbon footprint of all our staff and business travel to become a Climate Positive Workforce.

We’re all very conscious of climate change as individuals and have been looking at ways we can make our contribution. Over the years, we’ve discussed the idea of “green credentials” with our clients, looking at social and environmental impact and other ways to support their aims. After much research, we made the decision to explore options to offset our carbon footprint.

Looking at the different routes available to us, we’ve partner with Ecologi. In doing so, we have now offset the entire carbon footprint of our team, including emissions from their home, personal travel, holidays, food, hobbies and more. In addition, we will also offset all of our business travel across the company.

Going forward, we’ll be planting over 100 trees per month and offsetting 110 tonnes of carbon each year. If you’d like to sign up yourself, this link means we’ll both receive an additional 50 trees for our forest 🙂 ?

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